This is how kurvX works
The super-LEDs signal you while riding the approximation to the predefined lean angle limit.
- Intermittent flashing: means “space for improvement”, depending on the setting
- Steady light: the defined warning-angle-limit has been reached
Afterwards kurvX shows you the maximum reached lean angle.
Easy to assemble:
Mount kurvX on the handlebar, connect it to the on-board power supply and download the kurvX-app to your smartphone.
Open the app and connect your kurvX. In the configuration area you can set the brightness of the super-LEDs and your lean angle limit.
Interpreting your cornering
Via bluetooth you connect kurvX to the app, using your smartphone. Start the session-mode. Now your ride will be recorded. Back from your trip stop the session and call up the data as diagram and in tabular form.
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